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Landscape perspective important for climate adaptation of forest biodiversity conservation


People working with conservation of biodiversity in managed forest landscapes need to complement their toolbox with tools specifically designed for climate adaptation.

In a new paper in Conservation Biology, we (Kristoffer Hylander, Caroline Greiser, Ditte Christiansen and Irena Koelemeijer) present a list of tools for biodiversity conservation in managed forest under a changing climate. We sort the tools under two strategies: the resistance strategy to target species that are disfavoured by the warming climate and the transformation strategy to help species that are favoured by the new climate, but still disfavoured by forestry activities.

Consider a latitudinal gradient: In each landscape, there are populations of species that are either a bit north of their optimal climate niche or a bit south of their optimal climate niche. Therefore, we suggest that both of the strategies are relevant and should be simultaneously applied in all landscapes to maximize biodiversity conservation in a changing world. This moves the focus away from a one-fits-all strategy that is applied to an entire landscape to a mosaic of strategies considering different species in different places.

The paper is published in the category “Conservation practice and policy” and written to target not only researchers, but also practitioners and policymakers interested in biodiversity conservation and sustainable forestry in managed forest ecosystems.

Figure 3 in the paper showing how different tools can be applied in different parts of a tentative landscape

Read the open access paper here:



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